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Programs We Offer

Starting from small things to bigger things

Young Cities and Communities
Leadership Program

SD11's Young Cities and Communities Leadership Program is a six-months youth leadership program which are open to all Cambodian youths every semester of each year. The selected young leaders are required to join our two-months training and mentorship sessions in order to develop their skills and knowledge under the themes of sustainable building and urban development, climate change, biodiversity conservation, environmental sustainability, and youth participation to achieve sustainable development goals. All selected applicants are encouraged to initiate a community project to implement from two to four months after finishing the mentorship sessions. Each year, we have ten youth projects from this program which will be implemented across Cambodia through different participation tools such as seminars, workshops, community meet-ups, exhibitions, educational poster designs, digital campaigns, study tours and other engagement methods that could raise awareness and knowledge to the community.


Future Climate Heroes

Future Climate Heroes has a main objective of raising awareness about climate change education among Cambodian youths and communities. SD11 offers Cambodian youths to join the executive team to lead the Future Climate Heroes Project from 3 to 5 members annually. The executive team will lead and design the climate change educational campaign through different participation tools and targets.

1. Future Climate Heroes 2022 (FCH22)

- FCH22 has five executive members

- This project is mentored by H.E. Tina Redshaw, former British Ambassador in Cambodia

- We had 12 university young leaders join us in the training to volunteer as Climate Change Educators to teach 385 students for 3 hours session at Preah Reach Samphea High School, Kampot, Cambodia

- During the half-day after the climate change educational session, FCH22 joined the "Youth Engagement in Biodiversity Conservation" campaign for the Urban October 2022 which is a study visit learning about local livelihood and restoring mangroves at Trapang Sangkae Mangrove Community.
- This project has more than 500,000 social media reaches and digitally engages with more than 100 youths across Cambodia for our climate change digital campaign with Plastic Free July, Urban October, and International Youth Day's Exhibition by UNICEF's Generation Future Cambodia.


2. Future Climate Heroes 2023 (FCH23)

- FCH23 has four executive members

- We hosted a digital campaign about "Youth's Pledge for Climate Change Action" which has 20 Cambodian youths from different backgrounds joining us. We also had a monthly newsletter about "Youth Perception on Climate Action" which is currently published every first day of each month.

-  This project is partnered with the Global Youth Climate Network, 4Earth, and FBX Climate Advocates.


BORAPOIT Biodiversity Program

BORAPOIT Biodiversity Program is a plant education and awareness program. The primary goal of this initiative is to educate Cambodian residents about the role, value, and distinctive characteristics of Cambodian flora and fauna. During the program's implementation, the SD11 team will provide several methods for participation such as a Seed Bank Hub, Botanical Study Workshop, Planting Event, Houseplant Giveaways, and an exploration of a national park/historical site.

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